A Blog by Dermot Dolan

A Blog by Dermot Dolan, all work is copyright of Dermot Dolan.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Camino del Norte September - October 2015

Hello, over four years ago I walked from Cahors on the Le Puy with a lovely Swiss companion on to St Jean Pied de Port then used the GR10 Pyrénées to go to Irun. I then finished in Bilbao, my companion went on to Finnisterre. I have walked many Camino routes since then but always wanted to finish the Norte. So now this Autumn I done exactly that. Bilbao to Santiago. Avery beautiful coastal route with an amazing bunch of people. My principle walking companion was a Frenchman called Antoine.

This section of the blog will be a work in progress for the next few weeks, so please check back, also in midNovember I will have updated my website with a special Norte section.

Titles will be added soon. Photographs are not in journey sequence (technical problems).

The last photograph (the one of myself ) was taken by A. Renaud, thank you Antoine. It shows me delighted to meet up with my friends at the end of a long day, in Ribadessla.

See what happens when you use the up and down arrow keys on you computer on this picture try it, up and down.


  1. Love the collection,thank you for posting.

  2. Fab pictures Dermot, as usual. The colours are visually stunning. I love the portraits, and they add a sense of being there for the whole adventure. I particularly liked the shot of the bridge and the prohibition notice. Anybody with a sense of adventure and nerves of steel would nearly be urged to chance it! Jim

  3. Thank you Jim, it was a great trip one of my favourite.

  4. Great pictures, I am more exited than before your pictures to do the camino next june, thanks!!

  5. Beautifully done Dermot and many of them bring back fond memories too. I especially like the portraits, something I have no talent for.

    Safe travels my friend . . .

    1. Thank you very much Mike. I would like to take more portraits but the privacy laws are different in Spain and France than Ireland, UK or USA. A complex area indeed, that is why I have no portraits on my Website proper.

  6. These photos make me dream of Camino Norte! It looks astonishing, amazing, inspiring!!! Thank you so much for sharing
